How to Activate Two factor Authentication on Facebook

Submitted by expert on Sat, 10/17/2020 - 14:43

Two factor authentication is a security feature that helps you to protect your Facebook account. If you have turn on two factor authentication you will be asked to confirm your login attempt or to enter a code that has been sent to your mobile or a recovery code that has been given to you at the time of activating two factor authentication or a code that been generated by third party app like Google Authenticator or Last Pass. If you want to activate two factor authentication you have to follow below given steps:-

1 Go to profile page

First go to your Facebook profile than click on Drop down Menu that has been given on top-right corner with your profile picture.go to login page

2 Select Settings and Privacy

After Clicking on drop down menu you will get a list of operations in which you should select Setting and Privacy settings and privacy option

3 Go To Settings and Login

Under setting and privacy select Settings option and than click on Security and setting and login

4 Turn on Two-factor Authentication

To turn on Two-factor Authentication click on edit button given under Two-Factor Authentication and than you will be asked to Select a security method you can choose Authentication app in which you have to install Google Authenticator Applicationto turn on two factor authentication

5 Scan Qr Code

To use third party application like google authentication first scan qr code and then click on continue to receive code.scan qr code

6 Enter The Code

You will be asked to enter the code which is generated in google authentication application, enter the code and than click on continue.enter code

7 Activate Two-Factor Authentication Through SMS

If you don't want to install third party application you can use your phone number to get code. Click on add phone number and than click on continue.
get code through sms

8 Enter Received Code

Now you will received a code on your phone, enter the code and than click on continue.enter received code

9 Get Recovery Codes

You Can get recovery codes, with recovery codes you will be able to login into Facebook even if you don't have your phone.Get Recovery codes

10 Generate Codes

Click on get codes to generate codes.
click on get codes

11 Download Codes

You will receive ten codes to download, download it and save it and use when you don't have your phone, remember these codes can be used only one time if you have used all the codes you can regenerate codes using the same method.Download Codes

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